by BackerKit

The Creative Fund is redistributing the crowdfunding wealth to encourage and inspire more creators, especially those who are starting out. Learn more about our mission and check out our creator resources below.

Total dollars (USD) pledged to creators so far

Total number of projects supported
See All Projects

Creators We Pledged To
“Thank you for your support! It means a lot to us and every pledge helps us to get closer to our goal! What a brilliant idea to support every launched Kickstarter project!”
Delphine Bueche
Creator of My Name is Dorothy
Creators We Pledged To
“I am almost in tears — Thank you for being part of the reason our small Kickstarter with an almost zero marketing budget has got to where it is.”
Nick Kamau
Creator of 3 ply Cotton Ankara Face Masks
Our Community
“I like the idea—it’s like universal basic income for creators in a way!”
Luke M.
Pledged to The Creative Fund
Our Mission:

A Universal Basic Pledge for Creators

Creativity is an essential part of what makes the internet an amazing place. For over a decade, Kickstarter has been a place for independent creators to bring their passions to life. But, if you’ve ever run your own campaign, you know how difficult it can be to start out. The sad truth is 41% of launched projects don’t reach their funding goal. We want to change that!

In July 2018, BackerKit launched The Creative Fund, which started out by donating $1 to every creator who launched a campaign. While $1 doesn’t seem like a lot, we received an overwhelming amount of appreciation from thousands of creators for just believing in them. We remember that exact feeling of being really excited about the first dollar we raised when we ran a crowdfunding campaign, and we want to pay it forward.

As part of our mission, we've also helped make a significant impact on a single project, nominated and voted on by our Patreon community, each month. It's been a joy watching all these projects reach their funding goals.

Ongoing Support:

Keeping the Momentum Going

In June 2020, the BackerKit team made a promise to refocus The Creative Fund. We prioritized efforts to support Black creators and started thinking about how we can make a larger impact, helping more than one project per month. Since then, we've donated significantly larger pledges to help multiple Black-led campaigns every month.

This is just the beginning for us, and we hope to make a larger impact on the crowdfunding space. As we explore new ways to support the crowdfunding community, we will continue to keep The Creative Fund alive, donating $1 to every Kickstarter project that launches and supporting Black-led campaigns. To keep up with what we are working on, be sure to sign up for our newsletters, which includes a biweekly edition highlighting Black-led projects.

Tools & Resources:

Making Crowdfunding Success Possible for Anyone

Get the best crowdfunding tips delivered to you every week:
Sign up for our Community Newsletter

Track how your project is trending to fund with BackerTracker:
Download BackerTracker Chrome Extension
Download BackerTracker Firefox Add-on

The Creative Fund is a community project and we’re excited to have you involved! Please email us with your ideas, feedback, and questions at community {at} backerkit {dot} com.

Thank you for supporting independent creators and strengthening the creative economy with us!